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Looking for Pics

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26 May 2004, 11:03
Looking for Pics
I'm looking for some pics of the Lolkisale camp in Tanzania if anyone has a couple. I'm trying to convince my significant other to accompany me there on safari next year and a pic or two of camp might ease her mind regarding the comfort issue.
26 May 2004, 13:07
Dennis, I sent you a PM
26 May 2004, 14:44
Hope these help your cause. The staff at Lolkisale were very attentive and met us when we returned from hunting with a tray of cold beverages and a smile. Quarters were comfortable. Here is the dining room and bar with a wonderful view.

26 May 2004, 14:49
Tents were clean and the headboy was always ready with hot water for a shower or shave! Nightly turndown service after sundowners was appreciated. I also enjoyed the lighted kerosene lamps set out each evening after you had retired to keep lions and hyenas at bay! It's a great but not extravagant camp and the little lady will be pampered East African style.

26 May 2004, 20:20
You should contact Adam (safari12) as he will have that concession from 2004 onwards and I am sure he will have more photos to give you.
27 May 2004, 04:45
Thanks! These will definately help the cause.