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Land of Elephants - Read Online

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16 June 2009, 01:48
Balla Balla
Land of Elephants - Read Online
Dear Guests

For those whom want to read an old or rare hunting book online, or pick out excerpts, here is a great opportunity.

Land of Elephants Online

Happy reading ....

Cheers, Peter
16 June 2009, 05:56
I have to say that I am hooked on this book. I will most likely finish it tonight. I love reading about these old time experiences in Africa. Thanks for posting this Balla.

"Conservation through Hunting"
17 June 2009, 11:02
Balla Balla
Originally posted by edholum:
I have to say that I am hooked on this book. I will most likely finish it tonight. I love reading about these old time experiences in Africa. Thanks for posting this Balla.

Here are some of the OLD Relics ...

Elephant Hunting in East Equatorial Africa

Hunting the Elephant in Africa

Hunting Trips in Northern Rhodesia

The Game of British East Africa

The Africa Elephant & its Hunters

After Big Game in Central Africa

The Lion Hunter

In Wildest Africa

TRavel & Adventure in South East Africa FC Selous

Sport in Eastern Sudan

Savage Sudan

Some interesting reading to say the least ...

Cheers, Peter
17 June 2009, 23:43
A fascinating read, and just the right medicine for the week before my departure.... As I count down the days on one hand until I am back in Zimbabwe, this book has kept me even more fully diverted from the banalities of life outside of Africa.
I finished this book just moments ago, and heartily recommend it.

21 June 2009, 08:18
Thunder Head
I too found this a great distraction for passing the time.

28 days before my first step on too the dark continent

I have walked in the foot prints of the elephant, listened to lion roar and met the buffalo on his turf. I shall never be the same.