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Membership of Professional Hunters Associations?

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03 October 2009, 12:14
Andrew McLaren
Membership of Professional Hunters Associations?
I wish to get a better "feeling" about the Hunting Industry - as represented her at AR Forum - views about membership of PHASA, NAPHA and other Rcountry or regional Professional Hunters Associations (PHA).<BR><BR>Thanks for voting and any comment.<BR><BR>In good hunting.<BR><BR>Andrew McLarenFor all hunters that plan to sooner or later hunt (or agian) hunt in Africa: Which one of the statements best describe your feeling about the membership status of the HO or PH through which you may book your hunt?Regard membership as essential, and will not book with someone that is not a member. The benifit I see is that membership provides me with a place to complain to if the HO or PH does not "deliver the goods"?Membership desireable but not regarded as essential as for me to book a hunt through a particular HO or PH. Membership means that th HO or PH will be better kept up to date by his PHA about changes in laws and regulations.Membership not an issue at all: I will book with a HO or PH with a good reputation irrespective of his membership of a PHA or not.I will not book with any member of a PHA. Membership of a HO or PH through which I book has absolutely no benifit for me, and members have to have higher costs to cover their membership fees.

Andrew McLaren
Professional Hunter and Hunting Outfitter since 1974. The home page to go to for custom planning of ethical and affordable hunting of plains game in South Africa!
Enquire about any South African hunting directly from

After a few years of participation on forums, I have learned that:

One can cure:

Lack of knowledge – by instruction. Lack of skills – by practice. Lack of experience – by time doing it.

One cannot cure:

Stupidity – nothing helps! Anti hunting sentiments – nothing helps! Put-‘n-Take Outfitters – money rules!

My very long ago ancestors needed and loved to eat meat. Today I still hunt!

03 October 2009, 12:28
Andrew, the poll won't work unless all questions are answered. But we can't be non-professionals and professionals at the same time so you'll have to change something.


AR, where the hopeless, hysterical hypochondriacs of history become the nattering nabobs of negativisim.
03 October 2009, 13:05
Hough, Bwana Andrrew, de poll, she don't worrk sah! Wink

04 October 2009, 05:44
Andrew McLaren
Steve & Vlam,

There are three questions: If both of you, and all Hunting Outfitters in SA and Namibia and other just reply to the first one I will have some idea of the % membershiop or not?

If hunters that have actually been here as visiting hunters to Africa will reply to the second question I will get some idea of how they feel/felt about the requirement for membership of PHA's by their HO & PH's?

If all persons planning a near or far future hunt to our shores reply to the third question I will have some guidance on what future action - i.e. join PHASA or stay away from them - I should take to be popular. Not that I really want to be 'popular'. Big Grin

How else should I get a feeling about these three somewhat related aspects? Make three quite separate polls? What is "the question" that you want a poll to give guidance on? Help!

In good hunting.

Andrew McLaren

Andrew McLaren
Professional Hunter and Hunting Outfitter since 1974. The home page to go to for custom planning of ethical and affordable hunting of plains game in South Africa!
Enquire about any South African hunting directly from

After a few years of participation on forums, I have learned that:

One can cure:

Lack of knowledge – by instruction. Lack of skills – by practice. Lack of experience – by time doing it.

One cannot cure:

Stupidity – nothing helps! Anti hunting sentiments – nothing helps! Put-‘n-Take Outfitters – money rules!

My very long ago ancestors needed and loved to eat meat. Today I still hunt!

04 October 2009, 06:03

For the responses to be accepted a person must answer every question. So, a hunter must answer the outfitter question which is not what you are wanting.

"Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult."
04 October 2009, 12:36
Idaho Sharpshooter
If this is in regards, or related to; the fiasco/firestorm that NAPHA has created: if they are representative of what we can expect from African PH Assns then you guys forming one will be the equivalent to asking us to follow the Judas Goat up the ramp. I think the word "ASSociation" does cover it well. So far, it seems Zimbabwe has it handled the best. "Come hunt with us, bring US dollars, enjoy your stay here, and go home long enough to save enough of those wonderful US dollars to let you return...".
Today, NAPHA is widely regarded as the counterpart to the Mafia. If you know any of them, I would suggest you let them know that they are setting hunting in Namibia back tremendously. I do not think, today, that dissolving the association and beheading the board and any one else there can repair the damage. Several here, including myself have written to the US authorities and suggested they ban imports from Namibia until this is cleared up. Those guys have impaled themselves on a stake the size of an Elephant's penis.

