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Archery Lion "Hunt"

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08 August 2009, 11:11
Archery Lion "Hunt"
A friend sent me a link to this video showing a lion killed with a bow.

I've never hunted lion, but my gut feeling is that something seems strange about this setup. It make me wonder if this isn't one those "previously captive" lion "hunts".

I wouldn't expect that you want to waste your time watching the beginning of this video (I didn't because I really dislike mechanical broadheads) so I suggest you fast forward to the lion part. It is almost exactly half way in the video, as indicated by the progress marker along the bottom.

Tell me what you guys think of this.
08 August 2009, 12:16
Equinsu Ocha
I'm not one to point fingers and tell others whats right and wrong..

With that said, the terrain ure looks like NW RSA.. and 95% of canned lion hunts take place in and around that region of South Africa..

As I said, I could be wrong, but if I was to guess, I would say yes, that was a captive lion hunt by the looks of the terrain as well as the demeanor of the cat itself..

That dude's broadhead left one helluva hole to sew up.. Ouch.
08 August 2009, 13:08

Watched the whole video, and was impressed with the entry wounds, just on some bows the set up didnt lead to good penetration. and the arrow also did not connect with any bone where good penetration was achieved?

As for the lion, well he was probably thinking "why did my owners friend shoot me with that stick and string thing? and why is he pointing a gun at me?" that is as canned as it gets and my thoughs are that the lion was very take, and i mean very tame - i would be embarrassed too show that video on my site.

08 August 2009, 14:37
I've typed, deleted and retyped a reply to this umpteed times and quite honestly don't know what to say......... so I'll content myself with the observation that I consider the Lion section of the video a disgusting piece of film that has absolutely bugger all to do with true hunting and that I find this kind of thing an absolute travesty of everything hunters and hunting stand for.

If the makers thought it would make a good promo ad, they certainly failed with me. killpc

08 August 2009, 18:03
I agree, that was terrible and what an advertisement for the anti-hunting crowd.

That PH must do alot of walking and hunt fair chase only considering the excellent shape he's in! Disgusting!
08 August 2009, 18:18
I don't quite know what to call it -- but it's definitely not hunting.

That said, if it's what floats that archer's boat, it's okay with me -- as long as he doesn't call it hunting.

When you get bored with life, start hunting dangerous game with a handgun.
08 August 2009, 18:26
I agree that was a tame lion and may have been drugged on top of that, what a shame.


 photo 5a71b091-8ccb-440e-8358-1ba8fe6939cb_zpsga1mmy00.jpg
08 August 2009, 21:29
Good point by handgunner. The more I look at that video the more discusting it seems.
09 August 2009, 01:53
I was holding my tongue until you gents chimed in first, but when I saw this I knew something was up. I agree will all of your thoughts combined.

How embarrassing for this company, huh?

And on a more egotistical level, others think of you real lion hunters as being no braver than this arrow flinger hiding behind a big bore leveled off on a drunken overgrown house cat. What a joke!
09 August 2009, 02:20
If they succeed in outlawing then brace yourselves for a whole lot more while they sell there existing stock. Probably go cheap too.

However shooting tame kitties does not earn you the lion hunter merit badge.
09 August 2009, 02:23
Big Bore Boar Hunter
I can explain the lion looking bewildered and doing nothing after he was hit, Shock. What I can't explain is how they got so close to the Lion without it freaking out.

09 August 2009, 02:49
JMO, but it all has to do with Personal Ethics/Egos over riding Common Sense, and a complete lack of Legal Restrictions to prevent this type scenario.

I did not watch the film, no need to.

I am sure there have been completely wild lions killed with Archery gear in the past, but I am reasonably sure this was not one of those cases.

The bigger problem, is how, as a group, hunters find a way of condemming this type behavior and exposing it for what it is, With Out casting a bad view of all hunting.

To the anti-hunting crowd this is a gold mine of quality mis-information to spew forth their rhetoric.

I have come to the conclusion that hunters themselves, thru behaviors such as this, will be the death of hunting.

Even the rocks don't last forever.

09 August 2009, 03:29

Next time I have an old bird dog to "put down" maybe I drug the dog and get this "hunter" to come shoot it in my backyard....

Naaa, wouldn't do that to an old dog much less a lion. beer

Bolt Action Trash
09 August 2009, 07:30
That is just sad. thumbdown

I hunt, not to kill, but in order not to have played golf....

09 August 2009, 11:13
We are paying out the rope from which our necks will hang.
09 August 2009, 12:08
jens poulsen
Darting lions must not be for the fainthearted, even if it is under fence.

Imagine going into an fenced area with lots of lions alone, armed with a bow and arrows only..true sport indeed. dancing
However if the "darter" has backup or the lions is drugged, it will destroy the true thrilling effect thumbdown

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