The Accurate Reloading Forums
Goodbye and Thank You

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16 May 2005, 05:44
Goodbye and Thank You
This was posted by Chuckwagon on the Carmelo thread. I do not believe any person should have to take this verbal abuse, especially a woman who only posted on Carmelo's site to help out a fellow S.C.I. Chicago Chapter member. This has obviously gotten way out of control.

I would like to thank Saeed and all the other great friends I have made on AR. But obviously the time has come to say good-bye. I will no longer post here or on Carmelo's site. I do not believe I should be referred to as someone who supports pedophiles. I enjoy talking to hunters about Africa and helping out the AR members.

Below is Chuckwagon's post:

Thats a good point. We should also have a little empathy for Kathi getting sucked into a pedophiles delusional den. It must be a really rude awakening to try to help someone out only to discover their true personality. Unless she actually likes child molesters. I have to wonder as she continues to post on this child molesters website.
Kathi here's a little tip, As long as you support pedophiles DO NOT send me any more pm's asking me to do buisiness with you! I would really think this might be a good time to re-consider who you support. I'm not only dissapointed with you as a buisinesswoman but as a fellow AR member that would support someone like this.


"The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page."
16 May 2005, 05:49
Damn Kathi:

Whose butt do I have to kick? Everywhere there are little people. Don't punish us who enjoy your posts and the invaluable help in getting us to Africa. Just ignore those who offend you.

As a great man one said:

I hear you can judge a man by the charactor of his enemies. Unfortunately, all my enemies are pissants.

JudgeG ... just counting time 'til I am again finding balm in Gilead chilled out somewhere in the Selous.
16 May 2005, 05:56

Please don't take one individuals' incoherent ramblings as evidence of anything but his confusion.

I dare say that most of us appreciate your participation on AR. You bring a unique perspective that is extremely valuable here.

I'd rather you stay here with us.

16 May 2005, 06:10
I have not been around AR very long,but have read with great interest many of your post.You will be missed.

Cry 'Havoc,' and let slip the dogs of war;
That this foul deed shall smell above the earth
With carrion men, groaning for burial.
16 May 2005, 06:14
Joel C
Iwould ask that you reconsider...your posts have always been interesting.
16 May 2005, 06:17

I think you have provided AR members a very valuable service, both through your travel agency, and in the form of the interesting articles that you post. Let me say thank you, and I hope you will reconsider and stay on.
16 May 2005, 06:25
Thank you Kathi and very best regards- should you decide to stay, we will welcome you back.
16 May 2005, 06:33
Alas, this is what's become of what once was arguably the greatest repository of African hunting information on the net. I know of several others who say they have had enough of the pettiness and nastiness that takes place here regularly now and have stopped posting. And with their leaving, we have lost their wisdom and insight on the African experience.

I had hoped that after the last bout of verbal terrorism this shit was over and we could get back to discussing important matters, Africana and hunting...but some cannot leave it be. This backbiting and namecalling belongs on some other forum not this one. I for one would vote to banish those that are abusive to fellow members. No one, especially Kathi deserves to be treated like this. I do hope you will reconsider, Kathi. There are those of us who find value in your posts.

On the plains of hesitation lie the bleached bones of ten thousand, who on the dawn of victory lay down their weary heads resting, and there resting, died.

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch...
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!
- Rudyard Kipling

Life grows grim without senseless indulgence.
16 May 2005, 06:33
Boss Kongoni
Kathy - Don't let clowns like that bother you. Please reconsider.

If you can't smell his breath, your're not close enough!

16 May 2005, 06:55
Balla Balla
Hello Kathi

You know I remember quite clearly some while back now when one of our other esteemed members RAY Atkinson was castigated hassled abused and almost run out of town by some other person of feeble mind, RAY almost left us high and dry BUT somehow through the support of our good AR members we maqnaged to convince RAY that to lose his knowledge and comradeship was too big a price to pay ....

In short Kathi, please reconsider and stay with us for the long haul, we do support you and your very valuable contribution ..

Regards, Peter
16 May 2005, 07:05
Think it over Kathi. I don't know where you get the time, but I try to find time to read every one you post.
16 May 2005, 07:17
Kathi .. You are "One of Us" ... a true giver.
I sincerely hope you decide against leaving "AR". - Nick
16 May 2005, 07:21

This is more about Carmelo than it is about you.


16 May 2005, 07:22

I have only been a member for a few months but already consider you one of the most valuable members. Your posts are alway informative and valuable to all who read them. I sincerely hope you reconsider. If not please know that I appreciate all of your contributions! You will be missed.

--->Happiness is nothing but health and a poor memory<---Albert Schweitzer
--->All I ever wanted was to be somebody; I guess I should have been more specific<---Lily Tomlin
16 May 2005, 07:27

I and many others here very much appreciate your posts and your company.

Please don't let a jackal run you off. They are not nice animals ... especially when they're human! We need to ignore the small minds that so often come equipped with big teeth and bad breath.

Please stay with us!


In general society we are suffering from a loss of civility. I apologize for the "ad hominem" attack on those who have so severely bent civility and gave Kathi reason to be very, very upset. While the sentiment is true in my opinion, it did not add anything and should have been said a different way. I was just scorched by the loss of a significant resource to the board through such thoughtlessness. Please excuse my lapse, and Kathi ... please do not let it detract from our sincere sadness at your decision to leave us.)


DRSS, Womper's Club, NRA Life Member/Charter Member NRA Golden Eagles ...
16 May 2005, 07:32

I hope that the best wishes of the members of this forum will help you to change your mind. I enjoy all your posts, as do many others, and they will be missed.

It is too bad you were dragged into the mess an I apologize to you for any part I may have played in it.

I hope you reconsider.
16 May 2005, 07:50

I've enjoyed your informative posts over time and wish you'd reconsider. Don't let an immature middle-aged clown discourage you from participating in this forum.

Lo do they call to me,
They bid me take my place
among them in the Halls of Valhalla,
Where the brave may live forever.
16 May 2005, 07:51
I'm at a loss for words.....I feel like I just lost a friend.....

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."
Winston Churchill
16 May 2005, 07:51
Do what you think you need to Kathi. I understand. When I need you I will find you.

I've been at the same end as you before. I quit a forum out of outrage from idiot posts, and a barrage of ignorant incredibly foul emails. I am recovering from a very serious accident, I almost did not survive. These jerks were just like salt in my wounds.

These goodbye posts from long standing members who are major contributors like yourself are exactly what these individuals are striving for. That is what winds their clocks and is their goal.
16 May 2005, 07:57
Please reconsider your decison.
Your contribution here is very important and I don't think it's fair for all of us to loose you just because someone in the internet was rude to you.

It's not fair...

16 May 2005, 08:12

Sorry to read this thread. Perhaps you may reconsider once you have had a chance to reflect. At the same time, I must be honest that your "support" (used loosely) of the other forum gives me some problem. No need to go slumming!
16 May 2005, 08:20
I've been reading on this forum for quite a while and have sure enjoyed your posts. Please reconsider and stay with us.

I have a system: I pretend to work and they pretend to pay me!
16 May 2005, 08:43
Stay Kathi!! I enjoy your posts, and have spoken to you a couple of times on the telephone, and you are a class act. As the old saying goes "Dont let the basdards get you down".

Age and Treachery Will Always Overcome Youth and Skill
16 May 2005, 08:49
Originally posted by Kathi:
This was posted by Chuckwagon on the Carmelo thread. I do not believe any person should have to take this verbal abuse, especially a woman who only posted on Carmelo's site to help out a fellow S.C.I. Chicago Chapter member. This has obviously gotten way out of control.

I would like to thank Saeed and all the other great friends I have made on AR. But obviously the time has come to say good-bye. I will no longer post here or on Carmelo's site. I do not believe I should be referred to as someone who supports pedophiles. I enjoy talking to hunters about Africa and helping out the AR members.

Below is Chuckwagon's post:

Thats a good point. We should also have a little empathy for Kathi getting sucked into a pedophiles delusional den. It must be a really rude awakening to try to help someone out only to discover their true personality. Unless she actually likes child molesters. I have to wonder as she continues to post on this child molesters website.
Kathi here's a little tip, As long as you support pedophiles DO NOT send me any more pm's asking me to do buisiness with you! I would really think this might be a good time to re-consider who you support. I'm not only dissapointed with you as a buisinesswoman but as a fellow AR member that would support someone like this.

Kathi, I have looked forward to reading what you post, there is a perspective there that will be missed. You do what you must, but you will be missed!!! Take care, come back when the smoke clears, you will be welcomed by me!!!!

Sacred cows make the best burgers.

Good Shooting!
16 May 2005, 08:59

Your posts have been most informative. Just tell that other forum to take a flying leap along with any other minorities and keep posting on AR.


*If you are not hunting in Africa you are planning to hunt in Africa*
16 May 2005, 09:02
I too would hate to see you go--chris
16 May 2005, 09:02
Tim Carney

Believe we have a unanimous vote asking you to reconsider. I'm for sure part of it.

Regards, Tim
16 May 2005, 09:14
We have been members on AR for over a year. We have throughly enjoyed all the great information that is shared on this site. There is not a day goes by that we don't check out all the new posts. We rarely reply to anything preferring to be readers until now. This Carmelo thing has just crossed the line in a big way. Kathi is not only one of the hardest working Travel agents out there, she has always gone the extra mile for alot of members on this site. But besides that she is like family to us. We have hunted together many times and will be again this September in Zimbabwe. I don't know who this Chuck Wagon is but I learned more about him in that one post than I would ever care to know. Chuck Wagon you should get to know who you are bashing before you go and make a fool of yourself.
16 May 2005, 09:32

You have been an invaluable member of this forum, and I am sure many would be sorry to see you leave.

The final choice is yours of course, but, I would like to say something which might make you change your mind - hopefully.

For us who are used to talk to people face to face, the Internet has been quite an eye opener.

On the Internet people can hide behind a screen name, and can behave in the most obnoxious ways towards others they meet. Suer in their mind that no one will know who they actually are.

My advice is to NEVER give them the satisfaction of driving you away.

The best way is to just ignore those who you think are not worth your time.

Just as in this case.

One individual has upset you, and it would appear you have the majority on your side.

Don't let all your friends down.
Instagram : ganyana2000
16 May 2005, 09:38
"The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page."

Kathi, borrowing from your quote, I hope that this decision is but a page that sets up a better chapter, be that here or elsewhere.

You will be missed.
16 May 2005, 09:51
Kathi: As the others have said, I really enjoy your posts. I've found them informative and of a high level. My email name refers to my profession. Many students, with the same vocabulary and sense level as a very few on this forum, have also anonymously ran me down. It comes with the territory. Sorry you have been hurt by one of these.

.395 Family Member
DRSS, po' boy member
Political correctness is nothing but liberal enforced censorship
16 May 2005, 09:51

Please don't leave this site. You are "family" here and would be greatly missed. wave And just like every other family, we seem to get a third cousin from the shallow end of the gene pool showing up from time to time. Please try to ignore that fool.


You need to apologize. That post is utter bullshit. If you can't recognize that, then you need to spew that garbage someplace else besides AR

16 May 2005, 10:00
Michael Robinson
Originally posted by Saeed:

You have been an invaluable member of this forum, and I am sure many would be sorry to see you leave.

The final choice is yours of course, but, I would like to say something which might make you change your mind - hopefully.

For us who are used to talk to people face to face, the Internet has been quite an eye opener.

On the Internet people can hide behind a screen name, and can behave in the most obnoxious ways towards others they meet. Suer in their mind that no one will know who they actually are.

My advice is to NEVER give them the satisfaction of driving you away.

The best way is to just ignore those who you think are not worth your time.

Just as in this case.

One individual has upset you, and it would appear you have the majority on your side.

Don't let all your friends down.

I concur and hope you will as well.

Don't let something like this, which is dishonorable and undeserved, affect you in any way.

I don't even know any more than what you posted as to what was said, but I do know that no one who has one iota of sense will give any of that "carmelo" idiocy any credence, or even a moment's time, whatsoever.


Wilderness is my cathedral, and hunting is my prayer.
16 May 2005, 10:01

There are fools in all walks of life - the best thing to do is to ignore them.......... I look forward to enjoying your posts in the future.

16 May 2005, 10:01
Use Enough Gun
Kathi: You are too valuable to leave us. Like everyone has said before, we need your postings, your information, your wisdom, your advice and most importantly, your friendship. You have our overwhelming support. Stick it out with the majority of us who are sane, professional and truly interested in making this the best forum on the internet.
16 May 2005, 10:19
Robert johnson
Take a day off and come fishing with me for a few days. It was your post that allowed me to win two round trip tickets to africa ! You will always have a seat in my boat, all right two seats bring you husband.

Robert Johnson
16 May 2005, 11:08
Frank Martinez
Unfortunately I believe Kathi is of the character who will do as she has promised and not return, unlike some who promise constantly to leave and never do.
I will greatly miss your posts and have found the information of great assistance while planning for my trip to Africa.
I am saddened to see you leave us under these circumstances and wish you well in the future.
16 May 2005, 11:21
If you let the whimps beat you, your a candy ass! To hell with them, get mad! Mad
16 May 2005, 11:34
Where's the Carmello thread?
16 May 2005, 11:37
Here it is!
Instagram : ganyana2000