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Re: Deer Hunting Luck, far

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29 October 2004, 14:03
Re: Deer Hunting Luck, far

Plinker, I shot my second deer yesterday. A big fat doe. Time now to rake leaves and cut grass.

Two? Put that rake away. You're not done yet, you still have one more to go. Then it's gun season.

29 October 2004, 13:59
That sounds sort of rude for that guy to get right up in your stand without asking. Good story though, and you was sure a good sport about it. 16 Points, Man! Give the crossbow a try. If your back qualifies you to use one, or if your state allows it, that'd be way to go. You'll be able to hunt sooner and more. My brother in law from Ohio has one, and it's legal there. From my vast experience, (2 weeks ) it seems there would be a great advantage in not having to move to draw.
