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Swiss mtn dogs

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14 July 2019, 03:19
Swiss mtn dogs
I've always been a chessie owner.Christen spent several days with a swiss mtn dog on a farm,even though she has always been a cat women.She has started researching this breed.Anybody have personal experience that they would like to give feed back on. It will be up to me to train it.
14 July 2019, 18:27
Great looking dogs. Big guys!

There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t.
– John Green, author
16 July 2019, 00:11
A pal bought a Bernese Mountain Dog for the family and he is a gentle brute that is a perfect host at the fishing lodge they own. I asked why not a Swiss Mountain Dog and he said its life expectancy is much shorter than the Bernese. Although my friend is well educated in Biology the didn't make sense to me so I started to check it out and it seems he is right. Our vet projected a 7 or 8 year expectancy for the Swiss Mountain dog and 10 to 12 for the Bernese.
I would really do some research if I was considering one. Curious what say the AR vets.
16 July 2019, 00:36
Aspen Hill Adventures
Both breeds tend to have quite short lives. The Bernese get some serious cancers. Not sure if this is a result of too much in breeding or...?

SMD's are draft animals. Like many dog breeds they were developed for specific jobs. Dogs not put to work in jobs they were developed for often make for poor quality pets.


16 July 2019, 04:04
It is also a problem that comes with size. Great Danes have short lives as well. Makes me sad.

There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t.
– John Green, author
16 July 2019, 05:43
Others have said what I would say ie. short life. But, the other comment I would have is what expectation you have for your life with the dog. I had a chessie. Loved him, and he loved me. He was a VERY active dog. He loved to catch frisbees, go on long walks etc. I honestly don't know the characteristics of the large Swiss dogs, neither do I know anything about your health, level of activity, life expectancy etc. If your dog will live longer than you will, who will take care of him? Just a thought, as these are the factors that I would think about for my next dog.
Good luck

Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong;
16 July 2019, 18:46
my son had a bernie - died at 8of caner - but what a wonderful dog
17 July 2019, 06:30
Another interesting breed similar to the Swiss and Bernese is the Leonberger.

A guy I knew had one and it was one impressive dog.

Like a cross between a St Bernard and a wolf.


Hunting buff is better than sex!
23 July 2019, 08:14
Update,after an hour and half interview with breeder.Christen has decided not to go with the swiss mtn dog. The short life span was a factor. I considered the breed almost a "special needs' dog.I wasn't worried about keeping the animal active, as I work my other dogs every day. The hunting breeds are to me like a shake & bake and ready to go. Thank-you for everybody's input.
01 August 2019, 07:09
Could be wrong but the Berneese and the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog are two different breeds.
02 August 2019, 01:37
JonP: You are correct. The Swiss Mtn dog has a long coat and the Bernease much tighter. A good friend went with a Bernease because of its much longer life span. It is a wonderful family dog and loves swimming with his kids in the lake.
02 August 2019, 08:27
I seem to recall that the German Sheppards are prone to hip displacement. I have seen several at the vet's. As a bit of humor here I saw a Kliban cartoon years ago where there is this mo0nk squatting in the snow, robe up, etc. + the faithful St. Bernard had not a brandy flask on his neck but a roll of toilet paper.

Never mistake motion for action.
01 December 2019, 10:33
Former G/F had a chessie. Seems like it died
about 8-9. A neighbor had one that didn't seem
to be around near as long as I figured it would.
Now new neighbors across the street have one.
I haven't been in reach of it. All I've been
near were very friendly. Mike lets his dogs
run loose and they lay around his yard and very
rarely ever off his place. His blue healer was
in my back yard last week though. Well behaved.

We had a silver German Shepard. Ran and played,
jumped a lot etc. Hips went to hell at 8 and
we had him put down. I let him out the back door
just two 6" steps. Hind feet on the step, he fell over wondering what the hell happened.
We called the vet to come here and do the deed.
He was my buddy. Taught him to run out and get
my paper in the mornings. Hard to take at times.


"Gun Control is NOT about Guns'
"It's about Control!!"
Join the NRA today!"


George L. Dwight
17 December 2019, 23:00
There's definitely a correlation between dog size and life expectancy. I'd hate to grow attached to a dog who will pass on in 6-8 years.