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Potential New World Record Roe Deer ???

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15 August 2009, 14:09
mboga biga bwana
Potential New World Record Roe Deer ???
From the Hunting Report

Potential New World Record Roe Deer

(posted August 14, 2009)

Get a load of this monstrous roe buck trophy! It was taken by a hunter in Serbia and reportedly scores 277.16 CIC and weighes 1,021 grams. That score is unofficial, as it has not been formally measured yet by the CIC. Much like Boone Crockett, the CIC accepts only free-range trophies that have not been manipulated in any way. The current CIC world record is from Sweden and scores 246.90 CIC.

According to Srdja Dimitrijevic of Safari International, the lucky hunter is Premil Popovic, and he shot his trophy in northern Serbia this past July. Look for an update on hunting in Serbia in an upcoming issue of The Hunting Report. For now, feast your eyes on the mass accumulated on this roe buck rack.


Nec Timor Nec Temeritas
15 August 2009, 14:36
Ugly as hell.

There really needs to be differentiation between normal and abnormal trophies.

A potential world record Roe has six points, massive beams, bases and pearling...... IMHO !

Rgds Ian

Just taking my rifle for a walk!........
15 August 2009, 15:09
If a Baillie's is disqualified, how the hell could that brute be considered?

Just because you are paranoid, doesn't mean they are not out to get you....
16 August 2009, 12:46
I agree.

It is one hell of a trophy by any standards - but really should not be classed as other than a freak.




Just taking my rifle for a walk!........
16 August 2009, 12:57
Fallow Buck
Agreed with the above. This is a great example of the difference between the hunters trophy and the trophy quality.

To a hunter this may well be the trophy of a lifetime but it should not go into the record books unless it is under an abnormal banner.

Personally I'd love to have a go at some like that but it is not a true "Quality" Roebuck.


16 August 2009, 13:48
Andre Mertens
While not officially sanctioned, my most desired trophy is a perruque, a full wighead,


3 shots do not make a group, they show a point of aim or impact.
5 shots are a group.
16 August 2009, 15:15
[quote]A potential world record Roe has six points, massive beams, bases and pearling......
100% true that is a ugly non typical roebuck Eeker

Rauma Hunting and Fishing Safaris
16 August 2009, 15:31
my oh my, ian is that what you have waiting for me in devon ? Eeker i would be hard pressed to find wall space worthy enough for that one in the top picture.


16 August 2009, 18:24
[QUOTE]Originally posted by IanF:
Ugly as hell.

There really needs to be differentiation between normal and abnormal trophies.

A potential world record Roe has six points, massive beams, bases and pearling...... IMHO !

Agree, now that is really a good buck Ian, wow, Waidmannsheil. The abnorm is also interesting, but just looks too deformed to be classed in the same category, Dom.

-------- There are those who only reload so they can shoot, and then there are those who only shoot so they can reload. I belong to the first group. Dom ---------
17 August 2009, 01:41
Even my non-hunting gf thinks this is butt-ugly!
19 August 2009, 16:01
I think it depends. I now find I am much more interested in malforms and the weird than straight 6 pointers unless they are truly enormous.

Add mass to the malform and I think you have someting that really gets my heart going. Beauty maybe not.

I too would dearly love a perruque.
19 August 2009, 22:50
looks a semi-perruque head to me. someting like a buck whit temporaney testicular problems that have polished the the year after. I've see similar head ( much smaller).
A nice deer anyway ( and about a 23000 euro trophy...)

24 August 2009, 16:58
David S
Fantastic abnormal head, but not a world record contender surely?

I would say butt ugly, but that's worse than butt ugly, it looks like Beelzibub's horns.
25 August 2009, 19:39
at a second look at the pics seems that there are a point that go under the rosette plain, so the volume can't be mesured correctly, so the trophy can't be officially valutated for the CIC.
but can be a prospective effect.
Originally posted by Andre Mertens:
While not officially sanctioned, my most desired trophy is a perruque, a full wighead,
I'm sure is the most desired trophy of many europeans. I have idea that in some place they neutralize a roe or two sometime to have perruque head for hunters. Only my idea maybe but I'm become suspicius in this time.

04 September 2009, 00:16
A link whit many more pics.

04 September 2009, 00:42
That is an amazing head. It is ugly, but it is enormous.

What is the likely cause, gonad damage?

Just because you are paranoid, doesn't mean they are not out to get you....
05 September 2009, 02:32
Fallow Buck

I know relatively little abotu Roe compared to others here but usually testicular damage, and the inherrant reduced level of testosterone prevents the antler from hardening too, unless it is a temporary injurly or infection.

I have a freind that gudes somc continentals on Roe and he regularly shoots heads lke this in Wiltshire, probably about one or two a year. He has some guys that come specifically for them and they are almost all from Germany, as there seems to be a national interest in the abnormal antlers amongst hunters there. On the same grounds he also shoots some spectactular traditional heads.

I kind of came to the conclusion that heads like that are probably genetic. Bucks seem to be bigger and I should think that when they are fighting for territories the extra weight in the head gear may give dsome kind of advantage hence keeping the genetics local.

These are just conjecture on my part and they say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing!! Wink However I'm sur e that some of the more experienced roe hunters here could add some interesting information.

I've had an open invite to go down and hunt some of my freinds Roe deer and have been unable to take him up for the last 3-4 years but I'm hoping to spend some time with him during the rut one year and watch him call these bucks.



05 September 2009, 22:34
It is abnormal but it is not the biggest. On BDS stand at the CLA I saw a British roe head 277.73CIC. It is also not the most beautiful one but it doesn't look abnormal as Serbian one.
The most important thing in scoring is the weight of the scull. Confused
This Serbian roe was in good health but the nature had something else on minds. It shouldn't be a world record or it should be "abnormal world record".

Hunting is a lifestyle more than anything else.
06 September 2009, 08:33
It's rack looks like one of the "Tree Man's" hands......closer to a warty or fungal growth. Unusual, but ugly as hillary.
04 November 2009, 20:40
ok, here is... a new "bulgarian stag"

04 November 2009, 20:59
The thing was pen-fed and then released to be killed by a trophy "hunter...
05 November 2009, 14:42
Husqvarna M98
I like that bit about pen-fed,

that sure takes the pain out of stalking them!

On a more serious note, there is no glory in killing that sort of deer.

05 November 2009, 16:35
I wonder how they ensured it would grow large wonky antlers?
05 November 2009, 17:22
Have you ever wondered how the movie stars grow large muscles or wonky boobs? Pharmaceutics and surgery.
05 November 2009, 19:31
my idea is: temporaney castration for a year or so, and when he have developed perruque they removed chemicals for temporaney castration so the antlers can hardening and shed the velvet.
