01 March 2009, 02:06
22WRFGilbert Norfleet
I would like to put in a plug for knifemaker Gilbert Norfleet.
I lost a custom knife in the woods while deer hunting in Minnesota about six years ago. Five years later my wife found it. It was in pretty tough shape as you can see by the photo.
I sent it to Gilbert for a new handle. He put on a nice green micarta handle with a red liner for a very reasonable price. Beautiful job as you can see by the second photo. I am having Gilbert make me a Caper Fin.
01 March 2009, 20:49
Elmer Fud22WRF
Was that knife orginally a Bob Loveless Drop Point Hunter?
01 March 2009, 22:07
22WRFNo. Not a genunine Loveless. I have forgotten the maker's name. I purchased it a long time ago from the original maker. 154CM Steel. RC 60.
11 March 2009, 23:38
aktoklatGilbert Norfleet makes a very good knife for a reasonable price. But you might want to perform a search function on "Norfleet" at
WWW.bladeforums.com12 March 2009, 11:30
Elmer Fudaktoklat
Gilbert Norflet is confined to a wheel chair. In 2008 he had some very serious medical problems. Infections in the lower portion of his body. This is common for someone in a wheel chair. He got behind in his knife making business. But has made things right are is in the process.
I am a member on Blade Forms.
12 March 2009, 17:31
aktoklatI too am aware of his health issues and have one of his knives prior to 2008 when he had health issues then. I am a friend of his on Blade Forums. I have four friends and he is one of them on the forum. My warning is not to tell folks not to purchase from him, but be wary about down payments to him. This seems to be the problem. I know of folks who have had down payments with him for over a year and still waiting.
19 March 2009, 10:10
easyupI have waited two weeks until I just had to say that as aktoklat says, there are problems. We are still waiting for our Dad's knife that was to be delivered not later than mid April 2008, ordered Nov 2007.
19 March 2009, 20:19
I agree. In spite of the fact that Gilber does absolutely beautiful work, you should not have to wait that long. If it were me I would ask for a refund and go someplace else. But also, if it were me, I wouldn't have waited to let it get to this point.